Photography Explained Podcast

10 Not So Obvious Bonus Travel Photography Tips From Me To You

Rick McEvoy Episode 84

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10 Not So Obvious Bonus Travel Photography Tips From Me To You. Hi and welcome to Episode 84 of the Photography Explained podcast.

I’m your host Rick, and in each episode I will explain one photographic thing to you in plain English in less than 10 minutes (ish) without the irrelevant details. What I tell you is based on my lifetime of photographic experience. And not Google.

Here is the answery bit.

My 10 not so obvious bonus travel photography tips are these

  1.  Plan what you want to photograph
  2. Know where the sun is all day
  3.  Get up early - and stay out after sunrise
  4.  Walk around a lot
  5.  Record video walkthroughs on your phone
  6.  Get a mini tripod
  7.  Ditch a load of gear and travel light
  8.  Photograph stuff you don’t normally photograph
  9.  Experiment with your camera
  10.  Just get out and have fun

Listen for more, or check out the transcript and even the blog post - so many ways to find out more!

What’s next?
Episode 85 - How To Organise Travel Photos In Lightroom To Save Time Later.

Do you want to become a real estate photographer? Check out where you will find my course, cunningly titled, How to Become a Real Estate Photographer. How Utterly Splendid. And for August only, there is a whopping 25 percent off the price using the code  PODCASTAUGUST. Even more utterly splendid. Enjoy the podcast.

Don't forget, for August only, get 25 percent off my splendid How to Become a Real Estate Photographer course. Head over to, click on the course link and enter PODCASTAUGUST   to get that whopping 25 percent off.

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Find out more about the podcast on the Photography Explained Podcast website

And find out all about me on my photography website

Thanks very much for listening

Cheers from me Rick

10 Not So Obvious Bonus Travel Photography Tips From Me To You. Hi and welcome to Episode 84 of the Photography Explained podcast.

I’m your host Rick, and in each episode I will try to explain one photographic thing to you in plain English in less than 10 minutes (ish) without the irrelevant details. What I tell you is based on my lifetime of photographic experience. And not Google.

Before I go on if you have a question you would like me to answer just go to

Here is the answery bit

My 10 not so obvious bonus travel photography tips are these

  1.  Plan what you want to photograph
  2.  Know where the sun is all day
  3.  Get up early - and stay out after sunrise
  4.  Walk around a lot
  5.  Record video walkthroughs on your phone
  6.  Get a mini tripod
  7.  Ditch a load of gear and travel light
  8.  Photograph stuff you don’t normally photograph
  9.  Experiment with your camera
  10.  Just get out and have fun

OK – this list is based on me returning from a wonderful 2 weeks on the Greek Island of Paxos with Mrs M.

Let me talk about each of them quickly.

1 Plan what you want to photograph

I am the worlds worst when it comes to doing this, so I am telling me here and not you. To be fair I have had some great success with my specialist technique that I will get onto, but wonder if I might have fared better with some planning?

And on our last trip no need to plan as I know Paxos very, very well.

2 Know where the sun is all day

This is really important. With travel photography you might only get one shot at that sunrise or sunset, or you might be going somewhere that you might never get back to so knowing where you free, natural light source is is important.

Check out episode 70 where I talk about the apps that I use.

3 Get up early - and stay out after sunrise

Getting up for sunrise is one thing, but after you have got that sensational sunrise shot don’t leave, stay a while. After the sun has risen there is some wonderful bright, warm, early morning directional light that you can use to great effect.

4 Walk around a lot

This is my specialism. I walk around. A lot. This can be anywhere, an iconic location or just parking up and going exploring. I have found all sorts of wonderful sites doing this.

But take care when you are doing this – dress appropriately, hide valuables and be aware of what is going on around you.

5 Record video walkthroughs on your phone

This is something that I have started doing. I get to a location and do a video walkthrough. I even give a commentary whilst I am doing this. To do the commentary you need to know what you are filming pretty well though.

I have just done this for the three main towns in Paxos and will be uploading these onto the website later.

6 Get a mini tripod

I did not take an actual tripod on my last trip. I don’t know where we are going wrong but we just do not have the luggage capacity for all my stuff, and my tripod was ditched at the last minute and replaced with, wait for it, my Joby Gorillapod.

And do you know what – it was fine with my micro four thirds Olympus camera.

7 Ditch a load of gear and travel light

Necessity made me do this. I have no idea why as we are quite careful packing, and do not bring back that much stuff that we did not use. Well all I had was two pairs of socks and a pair of shorts that I did not use.

Is it just us or do you have the same problem? 23kgs is just not enough for 2 weeks.

Let me know – I am intrigued.

8 Photograph stuff you don’t normally photograph

I photograph buildings. This is what I do. And when I travel I photograph locations and nice stuff. But I do want to broaden out a bit more, I keep telling myself that I should give street photography a go but never do. And if you don’t know what street photography is check out episode 39 cunningly titled, erm, What Is Street Photography?

9 Experiment with your camera

I am talking here about different modes, settings, techniques, focal lengths. Think about what you do all the time and do something else. Play around with exposure, focus points, angles.

Just try stuff.

Did I do that?

No I did not….

10 Just get out and have fun

I did this. I actually love getting out and about with my camera, it forces me to explore and find new places which I would never have found had I not been out and about wandering with my camera.

What do I do?

Well this is what I did, and did not do – let’s move on….

The talky bit

Yes this list was inspired by our most recent visit to wonderful Paxos, the island I love so much I created a website all about it.

And yes wandering about really is a top tip. It has got me some great photos in iconic locations such as Santorini that I have not see before, which to me is job done.

For me travel photography is all about exploring and enjoying the place that I am in.

And I am talking here about actual travel photography, where you travel somewhere and take photos. I know, I know, I said that travel photography can be done at home but you know what I mean.

And as for ditching some gear, this is how the process goes. I pack what I want to take and put it in my camera bag. Then I pack the stuff that I am going to put in my suitcase. And then Mrs M and I combine our packing and I take the heaviest bit of stuff first until we are within our allowance.

And bless her she did say the other week that she would take out clothes and toiletries so I could take my tripod but I did say no and went with the Gorillapod.

And I enjoyed using it. You just have to adapt what you do.

And that is another thing about travel photography – I had to adapt as I did not have all that stuff in a spare bag in the car parked around the corner.

What I had was what I had.

And did I miss any of the gear I did not have with me?

To be honest I did not give it a seconds thought – I had what I had and got on with it and had a great time and got some great photos and videos. And I enjoyed myself having less gear to carry around.

One line summary

These 10 things are things that I did, and did not do but thought about doing!

What’s next?

Photography Explained Podcast Episode 85 – How To Organise Travel Photos In Lightroom To Save Time Later.

Shout out

This episode shout out is to my Paxos Travel Guide website. Well why not, it was my last trip to Paxos that inspired the content of this episode. Check out my website at

I’m done

Thanks for listening to my small but perfectly formed podcast. To find out more about my podcast and do stuff to help me check out

Brought to you by

This episode was brought to you a very refreshed and revitalised me having not been long back from 2 weeks in Paxos with Mrs M.

I’ve been Rick McEvoy, thanks again very much for listening to me and for giving me 10 (ish) minutes of your valuable time, and I will see you on the next episode.

Cheers from me Rick

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